
Sunday, March 15, 2015


Refrigerators are perhaps the most adored kitchen/dining appliance and well deserve all the love it gets. Your fridge doesn't only store food and cool down your drinks it also relives you from having to make a meal from scratch every single time. It's where you stash your food!!
Fridges have always been a part of our comfort zone. It stores food for us and nothing beats that, unless if by some magical phenomenon, we’ll be able to directly download food off the internet but that isn't happening anytime soon.

We are people who miss their fridge a bit quite too often. It is completely natural for us to go into the dining, open the magical door of the fridge and just stand there; even if there is nothing to eat.  As we munch on our late night snacks, we can’t help, but try and link the “fridge door opening activity” to people’s personality.

Please note that we have no intention of offending any food lover, or even those people who eat to live and not live to eat. Feel free to add any more points by commenting below.

You open the door only when you need to.... You like conformity in this world filled with chaos. You like rules and you stick to them (you’re probably even responsible for issuing a few rules). You don’t understand why people do things that they could survive without.

You just like to chill.... Movies direct your life. You have a filmy dialogue or background music for every situation in life. You open the fridge and pretend to be king Leonidas standing naked in the harsh freezing land. People often tease you for your dreamy attitude but hey, the world needs more dreamers.

You like to keep the eggs the “right side up”.... You know there is a proper way to keep eggs and jams and basically food in general. You do not understand why people fail to grasp the simple concept: put things in order. You want everything in proper line, color coded preferred. You’re the OCD one in your group, but everyone admires your superpower to remember the proper order of things.

You open the fridge and…just stand there.... You’re perhaps one of those people who are perpetually hungry. There isn’t a time in your life that you don’t think of food. You love your fridge the most in the house. It doesn’t feel right if you don’t check it out regularly, even if there is nothing to scrounge, you just love staring at it.

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